
A bed of Thorns

Today is the last day of my preceptorship whentheclock strikes five, i was not as excited as i thought .. instead i felt lost and a bit of regret.. regret for not being hardworking enough and not grabbing this golden oppoturnity to absorb as much as i could.. Anyways, i'm stuck in the meeting right now.. yea.. at 1230am and my only motivation to drives me through this bed of thorns is his smileyface... my friend's encouraging words.. my teammates' hard work and my family photos in my laptop..

My committee is still fighting for what we want.. the basic needs for our new coming freshies.. we are working real hard in our plannings and proposals.. spending every single night in meeting rooms though most of us have other commitments like attachmentsand preceptorships, still we are putting every single second squeezing out new ideas..

Tere's a chinese proverb that says" 巧妇难为无米之炊" - literally means even a clever daughter cannot prepare a meal without providing her with the rice----> without the support from the top.. we can't really do anything no matter how perfect and ideal our idea is.. yupz that's the situation that we are facing right now.. no financial nor mental support WAHAHAHAHAHA

Praying hard that we would be able to make it through.. hehe back to meetings.. pictures taken with my coursemates during dinner will be uploaded soon ~ Chaoz!!

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