Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
How i wonder what you where
up above the sky so high
like a diamond in the sky
Star Light Star Bright
first star i see tonight
i wish i may
i wish i might
have the wish i wish tonight
很小很小的时候, 妈妈送了一个小钢琴给我。。
装着小钢琴的盒子, 印着小星星这首歌的简谱: " 1155665 4433221 5544332 5544332 1155665 4433221" 彩虹色的琴键就印着这些 do re mi 的 123。 =)
妈妈的手,握着我的小指头, 一键一键的弹出小星星。
妈妈曾说,每个小婴儿都有自己的催眠曲。当我还是个婴儿的时候,听到这首小星星,我就会笑开了嘴, 也正应如此,小星星是我的催眠曲,也是妈妈教我弹的第一首歌。
care bear cartoon 中我最喜欢的一幕,只因为有小星星这首歌。
很小很小的时候,家里环境不是很好, 但爸爸妈妈总是尽他们的能力,给于我最好的一切。
只想说。。妈妈所给于我的一切一切真的太多了。。 而我也真的很佩服和尊敬她和爱她。
小星星, 我祈祷妈妈身体健康,快快乐乐,漂漂亮亮, 你听见了吗?I wish i may, i wish i might, have the wish i wish tonight. =)
I'm happy happy happy
I feel so lucky lucky lucky lucky (8)
We manage to keep things back together =)
The Baking session was great!! esp with the hot norway girls and CUTE Thai Guy who looks like WANG LEE HOM *screams* ya right he is a music student and he plays piano!!! Anyways, Mr.Chang plays piano as well.. (but only until grade 1) lolz
*sway awayhappily* Good night!!! ^.^
I feel so lucky lucky lucky lucky (8)
We manage to keep things back together =)
The Baking session was great!! esp with the hot norway girls and CUTE Thai Guy who looks like WANG LEE HOM *screams* ya right he is a music student and he plays piano!!! Anyways, Mr.Chang plays piano as well.. (but only until grade 1) lolz
*sway awayhappily* Good night!!! ^.^
给自己的一句话 “自做自受“
给自己的一句话 “自做自受“
我真的真的真的真的好想回家 =(
while taking care of my residents, freshman and patients,
have i really taken care of my parents and family?
i'm so ashamed of myself
我真的真的真的真的好想回家 =(
while taking care of my residents, freshman and patients,
have i really taken care of my parents and family?
i'm so ashamed of myself
After settled down our luggage… Mr.Chang decided to walk around Kata beach and get our lunch there.. ya right.. it was low peak season… not much people along the street and all the restaurants were closed.. we were super exchausted after 30 minutes of walking and Mr.Chang nagged that we should have brought some chocolate bars.. HAHAHAHAHA Mr.Chang.. now you know that we should have brought some food huh.. :p we were so hungry and thirsty that we decided to had our lunch at one of the hotel although our original plan was to explore around Kata beach and try out the stores along the street.. hahah mission failed.. because all stores were closed.. and finally this fuzzy Mr.Chang smiled happile when his Phad Thai was served haha the lunch was decent.. but could be better though with the pricy price that they charged us lolz
Walked back to our resort after lunch.. and I concussed on the bed ZzzZzzzz
We took a walk around the resort after my short nappy.. the resort has 2 nig pools and one Jacuzzi pool.. *woot*
Mr.Chang “hiao hiao” chit chat with the waiter for quite a long time.. Asking for recommendations from the menu..
so this waiter said “Do you like something spicy?”
Mr. Chang: “yea sure!!”
Waiter: “Ok, try this black pepper and garlic fish, spicy and big big fish”
Mr.Chang “Ehh, Hunny.. big fish you know? Ok, we order this”
And the so called spicy and big fish was served.. haha the fish was really big.. but NOT spicy at all.. =.= and after that I realized that Black pepper and Garlic Fish was the most expensive dish in the menu… DANG kena pawned again..
We took a 20 minutes walk to Kata Night Market after the dinner and we met this 2 years old Elephant Baby
Passed by 7-11 and bought some ang moh liang cha (beers.). beers are REALLY REALLY cheap here.. haha so we bought the biggest can of Heineken :p
There ends our day 1 @ Phuket =)
The next day, we headed to Chalong Pier and decided to go for island hopping!! The English spoken Thai tour guide brought us to a speed boat, we were grouped together with some south African and German. It rained after 10 minutes of the journey.. ya it rained heavily and we were at the middle of the sea!!! The waves were very very rough that our speed boat was basically “terhuyung-hayang” at the middle of Andamn sea.. the rain didn’t get smaller.. waves were getting rougher and higher and higher than sea water started to splashed into our boat!!! the other tourist started to puke due to rough waves. Here there everywhere people started to puke.. except for Mr.Chang, I and one more Asian Couple.. The tour guide said “Steady.. steady don’t walli (worry)”… yea.. I was trying very hard to calm myself down as well.. I was so afraid that our speedboat would just sunk into Andaman sea… Argh.. I do not want Titanic story to happen on us.. *sobs*
After 1 hour of such tough journey.. the rain started to become smaller.. and finally we reach Phi Phi Island… Phew.. we reached safely!! Not much pictures were take during that day because I felt super dizzy after the journey.. but I didn’t puke though haha unlike my last trip to Great Barrier Reef, which I puked 4 times in half an hour’s journey lolz.. hmm.. our body will get immuned to seasick?
And I realized that my bikini top was loosened before taking down the life jacket!!! Luckily I realized it.. else… you know.. hahaha *blush*
Had a heavy lunch at Phi Phi Ley Island with those ang mohs, and in forced Mr.chang to pop in one tablet dimenhydramine right after the lunch.. to prevent seasick mah.. :p “that’s the consequences of having a pharmacist-to-be girl friend.. groan..” said Mr.Chang.. hahaha goods sold are not returnable :p
We saw an Asian uncle taking the anti-histamine pill right before the next journey started.. and yea.. he puked until very jialat due to the rough waves plus the heavy lunch..
“see. That’s the consequences of not having a pharmacist-to-be gf.. this medicine must be taken half an hour before journey one mah.. “ *bangga-ly showing off to Mr.Chang* Mr.Chang: “ ............”
The dimenhydramine really worked!!! We slept all the way during the journey back to Phuket Island. Reached back to resort around 5, and we slept from 6pm to 1130pm again!! =.=
Then we went out and hunt for dinner… *Heng!!* we found a seafood restaurant!!! Mr.Chang ordered lots of prawns for dinner and when the clock striked 12am.. tang tang tang tang!! Khimpy’s birthday!! =)Went to 7-11 again for ang moh liang cha after the late dinner :p I’ve become an alcoholic even since I stepped into Phuket. #_____@
这几天,我和他都病得糊里糊涂的。。 先是他患上了感冒;今天轮到我没上班,因为被感染了=(
从昨天晚上开始就高烧不退,前后吞了八粒班纳杜。 下班后即呼呼大睡了,迷迷糊糊的。。。睡了醒,醒了又睡。。 持续着到今天凌晨。。 腰酸背痛, 视线模糊,感觉得到喉咙已肿胀了。。忽然之间觉得呼吸困难,勉强的坐了起来,“哇“ 的一声。。 吐一大口的痰。。一大陀黄澄澄而且有着血丝的痰。。。 懦弱的我,无助的坐在床上哭了起来。。 打了电话给正在上班的他。。撒完娇后(真服了我自己,生病也不忘撒娇。。=.= )。。托着身子去看医生。 医生说我的情况得休息个三四天才能康复。 我的天哪。。三四天?!!!饶了我吧,臭病菌。。 >.<
记得作天晚上病得糊里湖涂的时候,我埋怨他把病菌传了给我, 他傻笑了一下说:" Hey.. ya know.. this is the most romantic thing.. taking turn to take care of each other..HAHAHAHAHA. sleep well my hunny, i'll be here taking care of you and playing my DOTA" 三条汗线出现在我额头上。。 无力的锤了他一下。。 我又睡着了。。
given a thought on it right now.. yea.. somehow it's true.. haha that's what i always say to him " you can always make me laugh no matter how tough the situition is.. =) "
从昨天晚上开始就高烧不退,前后吞了八粒班纳杜。 下班后即呼呼大睡了,迷迷糊糊的。。。睡了醒,醒了又睡。。 持续着到今天凌晨。。 腰酸背痛, 视线模糊,感觉得到喉咙已肿胀了。。忽然之间觉得呼吸困难,勉强的坐了起来,“哇“ 的一声。。 吐一大口的痰。。一大陀黄澄澄而且有着血丝的痰。。。 懦弱的我,无助的坐在床上哭了起来。。 打了电话给正在上班的他。。撒完娇后(真服了我自己,生病也不忘撒娇。。=.= )。。托着身子去看医生。 医生说我的情况得休息个三四天才能康复。 我的天哪。。三四天?!!!饶了我吧,臭病菌。。 >.<
记得作天晚上病得糊里湖涂的时候,我埋怨他把病菌传了给我, 他傻笑了一下说:" Hey.. ya know.. this is the most romantic thing.. taking turn to take care of each other..HAHAHAHAHA. sleep well my hunny, i'll be here taking care of you and playing my DOTA" 三条汗线出现在我额头上。。 无力的锤了他一下。。 我又睡着了。。
given a thought on it right now.. yea.. somehow it's true.. haha that's what i always say to him " you can always make me laugh no matter how tough the situition is.. =) "
Khimpy's Phuket B'day Trip
It was 2 years ago since Mr.Chang and I went for vocation, so back in term time he has decided to bring me to Phuket island during this 3 months break and celebrating my birthday over there as well.
Our flight was at 7 o'clock in the morning..which means we gotta wake up at around 4 and reach the airport at 5am -___- haha i was so excited at the night before departure,it feels like when i was a kindergarden kid.. i got insomnia the night before my shool trip to taiping zoo.. lolz.. ya.. i didn't really sleep at the night before departure.. but kept checking my luggage. " should i bring the red blouse or the purple one? should i bring some food? ohh. ya must bring charcoal tablet.. do i need to bring loperamide?" Mr.chang got freaked out by me and said "ello.. we are going for holidays.. not migration nor going to fight on the war field la..." -__-
okies fine..
reached changi terminal 1 at around 530, after checking in our luggage, we had our light breakfast.. i ordered this apple turnover... it tasted awfull :p
Boarded into the plane on time.. haha the seats were much more spacious and comfortable than we had expected. Jetstar flight highly recommended fuyoh!!
Happy Birthday to ME (part 1)
I'm at Phuket =) celebrating my 23 years old b'day with lots of seafood and this super bitter thailand beer chang. tomorrow hubby is bringing me to buffet dinner and watching this las-vegas style phuket cultural show "Fantasea" *excited!!*
more updates and pictures when i'm back. hehe
thank you for your b'day wishes, yea.. you know who you are haha thanks a lot!!! There's a chinese quote that says "old ginger is spicier" and khimpy says "old friends are always better"!!! *hugs and kisses*
more updates and pictures when i'm back. hehe
thank you for your b'day wishes, yea.. you know who you are haha thanks a lot!!! There's a chinese quote that says "old ginger is spicier" and khimpy says "old friends are always better"!!! *hugs and kisses*
What can i do?
my long awaited phuket is on this thursday.. yet.. i'm not excited about it at all.. ya not at all.. =.= i don't know why and i'm wondering why -_________-
have been emotion-less since i'm back from taiping.... retail therapy doesn't work at all though i bought 5 tops within 2 hours and had my favourite KFC during tea time..
and yea.. i has been very quiet.. according to him. .
it's a strunggle within myself.. it would take quite some time to sort things out.. i hope.. i will be able to sort things out. the feelign is weird.. or may be i should not have told him about another him at all.. i shouldn't have done it.. but what is done is being done.. i do understand that he's strunggling at the same time.. as a gf, i tried my best to cheer him up and sweet offer for him.. and hopefully by doing these would cheer him up.. but.. i'm rejected again.. as usual..
I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take A
nd I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, No more aching No more fighting, No more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
been listening to this song repeatedly.. ya.. what can i do to make you accept my sweet offers?
my long awaited phuket is on this thursday.. yet.. i'm not excited about it at all.. ya not at all.. =.= i don't know why and i'm wondering why -_________-
have been emotion-less since i'm back from taiping.... retail therapy doesn't work at all though i bought 5 tops within 2 hours and had my favourite KFC during tea time..
and yea.. i has been very quiet.. according to him. .
it's a strunggle within myself.. it would take quite some time to sort things out.. i hope.. i will be able to sort things out. the feelign is weird.. or may be i should not have told him about another him at all.. i shouldn't have done it.. but what is done is being done.. i do understand that he's strunggling at the same time.. as a gf, i tried my best to cheer him up and sweet offer for him.. and hopefully by doing these would cheer him up.. but.. i'm rejected again.. as usual..
I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take A
nd I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, No more aching No more fighting, No more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
been listening to this song repeatedly.. ya.. what can i do to make you accept my sweet offers?
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