My fav herbal grilled chicken breast *slurp*
330am - Bed
730am - Out of bed and preparing for interview session at later
9am - interview with Drug Information pharmacist at NUH
10am - my only proper meal of today
1030am - rushing project
1200pm- "hammering" ceremony at Mr. Chang's cafe
2pm- Research methodoly lecture
4pm - Tutorial
6pm - Went to Office of Student Affair to sign some documents. i was wearing super high heels.. walking from central to YIH =.=
630pm - networking night with respresentatives from drug companies.. hungry.. tired.. yet, the "professional smile" was still on my face throughout the whole session. the session was.. not so good.. and not so bad at the same time haha.. it strengthen my determination of working at hospital after graduation. being involved in clinical trial phase is interesting.. but based on current singapore context.. not so soon though haha
8pm- waiting for bus to go back hostel
830pm- rushing project which due on tomorrow
1230pm - finalized the project.. and here am i typing this entry...
more to come.. this is going to be a hectic week for me.. as cafe opening soon.. and i have a dispensing test on wednesday.. and important interview on tomorrow =.=
keep it up khimpy!! *bites nails* *Pouts* and i am HUNGRY