

today's dispensing test was TERRIBLE... i could not finish it on time.. and suspension was like.. i added in suspending agent which is not necessary at all..and i did not fill in the counselling form...owh well.. lots of interventions were done on the first two prescriptions.. and i realized i did a lot of careless mistakes after the test.. this is no good.. my invigilator has helped me by a lot.. she even offered comfort and advice to me after knowing i could not finish it on time.. *sobs* thank you Wai Peng Jie Jie.
and when the clock strikes 5, one of the lecturer was pushing the cart away (where we will be submiting our counselling sheets and extemporaneous preparation), me and my coursemates were basically chasing after the cart to pass up our work!! and another lecturer was taking picture of us chasing after the cart!! hahaha
and when i was super depressed.. my cutest friend wan xia, stood beside me and said "i come here to pick you home" *sobs* again.. thank you wan xia, you would not know that how much it has meant for me... and it soothen my depressed mood =) and you have been a great project group mate!!
这次的考试,让我感觉到了无助。。渺小。。 和自己的incompetence..哪又有什么办法? 唯有吸取经验。。期望下次不会那么糟糕啦
i shall go back to my medication use evualation project >.<

*keep fingers crossed*

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