3 months is over.. 6 more months..
barely surviving..
self-esteem is dropping as days go by
sometimes.. i wish i could sleep for forever
blogging from iPhone
Took me freaking ten minutes to sign in and write down this sentence. Bah... Not because of the connection but my cacat typing skill. Getting mine during september. Yeah ! Supper time chaos
也谢谢你的计划里有我 =)
Perhaps Love is like the Ocean
Full of conflicts, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside;
but thunder when it rains
kayu chang has been asking for my shoes size, pants size bla bla.. i am wondering what would he gets for me from states *ngek ngek ngek*
application of employment pass got delayed again :s, might not be able to start working on the 16th of June, gotta see how it goes
big project still in planning stage, will be meeting the principal once i got back to spore on next monday, hope things will work out, gonna do all out to make sure things woek!! A promise that i had made to the 5 years old boy, " Jie jie is coming back, and i am gonna stay for this time round =)"
and and, i miss my girl friends!!! How are you all? Let's have a drinking and pillow talk session again!! *heee hee hee*
Mum bought me two tops!! one casual baby-T with my favourite purple color and rainbow printing, another top for my working clothing, thank-yew mummy!! and and we are going to have a surprise BBQ party on this Friday night to celebrate father's day! Dad was a bit jealous when i told him during mother's day celebration; that i am not gonna be at home during father's day hence no celebration for him haha!! A surprise celebration for you on this coming friday okay? don't jealous la, we love you!!
Ohh ya, i have been learning baking and cooking from mummy, will upload the pictures soon!! I feel so so blessed =)
It is, isn't?
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
it was so long ago but its all coming back yo me now
baby, baby, baby
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
(It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now)
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me(It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now)
I never really like..
and i do hope that you will keep the promises that you have made
I never really like "waiting" without able to see whats ahead of me
Shall start my baking class tomorrow and stop emo-ing
Your heart will lead you home~
Sunny day at Singapore.. lazying around and not productive at all haha
Started to pack all my stuffs and shifting to bt timah house tonight. Heavy stuffs go first as Mr. Chang is flying off to US Thursday morning.. currently still staying at hostel until 15th of June due to some residence commitments :p
Once a bimbo always a bimbo though i have been well trained by Mr. Chang to spend wisely hehe why do i say so, just look at my barang-barang and you'll know, my landlord is gonna pengsan once she sees the stuffs that i am shifting over tonight
- 3 BIG boxes of textbooks and notes ( 4 years of pharmacy education >.< GREAT)
- One big shelf of notes( been struggling to throw my notes away.. okies, the angels won, hence this one big shelf of notes in 12 Ikea files)
- 1 big luggage of clothes( 12 dresses, 20 tops, 4 short skirts, 5 shorts, 10 t-shirts 3 pairs of jeans, and underwears *blush*, 6 belts, loads of chap-pa-lang accessories which i seldom wear )
- 16 pairs of shoes
- 5 handbags
- One big basket of baking utensils
- My 70 dollar canon printer which has served me well for this 4 years
- My slow cooker
- One small box of clothes hanger, Yoga map, and chap-pa lang again
That's all, not too much right, right?
Mr. Chang is flying off to States thursday morning, *waves bye bye with teary eyes*, been pestering him to bring one empty luggage to put my presents that he buys from staes hehe
Ah miao thundercat and Bird are at US, CM KY WX and WY just got back from Korea, Chin is at home.. I MISS MY GIRLFRIENDS la...
Anyways, that does not mean that i am gonna rot at spore and home, i have got a big project to carry out. Things are still at preliminary stage, will blog more about it when things are confirmed. A project that i have wanted to carry out long time ago, with the support from Mr. Chang and my girl friends, and some other friends =)
When friends are bf are away, it is time for me to do some self-reflection on 1st half of year 2008, some soul searching, do some reading, learn cooking and baking fro mummy, spend some real good quality time with family, which i would not be able to do so after start working =)
If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your family
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you
Where you belong
I know your heart will lead you home
Yes, please congratulate me!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Super duper high though the paper was screwed up, heck care!! :p
Going to 404 joining the girls for party, after that catching a late night movie with Mr. Chang!!
Decided to blog a bit while waiting for him discussing his business over the phone
Going back home this weekend to celebrate mother's day, Mr. Chang will be coming over to Taiping too. haha mum and dad miss him a lot!! *hmmph!! Jealous* :p
Okies, employment pass issue settled, will only start working on the 16th of june. Yeah Yeah, enthu pre-reg pharmacist on the board soon!! Will do my best in every sing thing to help my patients
Okok, Mr. Chang is back
Going to bathe, change to my new dress and out for party!!!
*swinging away*
and i am SUPER HAPPIFIED now!!!
Was craving for stingray and chicken wings.. sent a manja sms to Mr. Chang and after he settled his cafe work, he popped into my room and we are off to clementi for grilled stingray and chicken wings!!! Yeah!! Mr. Chang is the best, my superman!! Ya.. I am becoming a spoiled brat :p
Thank goodness that my stomach is feeling okay now, did i mention that i vomited like hell on yesterday midnight? was suppose to have my pharmacotherapy test on today 9am, so the slacker me planned to burn midnight oil and staying up to mug.. last minute work =.= Ate cup noodles around 12am to keep myself awake, Mr.Chang brought my favorite cafe mocha and sour cherry cheese cake over and i happily gobbled everything!! Tragedy happened at midnight 1am plus.. i was basically vomited my stomach out!! every single things that i ate "regurgitated" out.. super gross!! Vomited for three times.. Mr. Chang collected 3 big bags of the super disgusting *ah hem*.. felt super dizzy after vomiting.. went to sleep though i still have few more topics that i haven't revised.. woke up at 7am, scanning through the notes and attended the paper at 9am. =.= Damn.. i don't know what's gonna happen to the paper..
Moral of the story: Glutton no more
And i went to eat grilled stingray and chicken wings straight after my stomach feels a bit better BAH!! Appparently, i did not learn a lesson from this incident..
haha, anyways i am super happified now!!
Going off to shower and have a good night rest. Chaoz!!
I see Rainbow
It was not after the rain
It was not after the thunder nor lighting
And I see the Rainbow
Rings of rainbow surrounded me
On the floor that i stepped on
On the walkway
On the canteen chairs and tables!!
I see the rainbow and I pray
Pray for the best
and pray for you, my friend
Miracle does happen and remember to Hang on there
Because i see the rainbow
I know that it is a hint
hinting us, that miracle is happening!!
*hugz* and *kisses* from me
Hearty Buffalo Wings
First paper on tomorrow: Natural product
Preparation Status: 60%
Confidence Level: Ahh crap!! I just want a B from this module :p
Hearty Buffalo Wings prepared by Mr. Chang, a surprise for him as yesterday was our 43 months anniversary haha

Thank you, it was really really good!!
Shall make up for you once i am done with all my papers
Going back to my terpenoidal rings steroidal rings.. ring ring ring ZzzZZzzzzZZzzzzzz
3 years 7 months and counting
43 months and holding strong
Your patience and love without any reservation
Thank you =)
Ohh ya, our dream to be achieved by your 28 years old birthday
I'm all in to support you
Happy planning your business, "one-wind-smooth-sailing" with your business plan, earn more money and *ah-hem*, remember my bag :p
MUAHAHAHAHAH , you are trapped!! Goods sold are not refundable nor returnable lol
Ps: I Love You
They have new designs coming out.. loverly.. haha bimbotic me has even come out with occasions where i can carry the bag bag~

When going out for dinner...

This one for working

During the weekend..

When i have kids
Argh.... *slap myself, bang head to the wall*
time to clean my room and continue mugging
Singing" Ahhh... i am a Cinderella.. one day, a prince shall ride his white horse and come to me~ Shower me with his love and all the bags that i want~ "
Friends, add me at facebook "Khimpy Tan", Singapore NUS network
A moment like this
Ya, how true..Live it Love it, and that shall be the way =)
* I may be dreaming, but till i am awake, can we make this dream last forever? and i will cherish all the love we share *
I dream that Mr.Chang bought a huge mansion (more like a castle), with 2 LCD TVs in the super caggih kitchen somemore.. the big garden facing the kitchen and his own office in the castle.. and we live happily in the castle :p
It was so sweet and real.. Let us pray hard and work harder towards our dreams =)
Thanks for everything
PS: I love you
嘉盈公主 =)
我们都还在学习着~ Princess in training
Graphics for Princess Diva Comments
Happy Birthday, Mr. Chang
Stay happy as you have always been
Love you as i have always been =)

Series of Thumbelina!! Can't believe that i found this!! http://hca.heindorffhus.dk/frame-Andersen02-Thumbelina.htm
Have always been a big fan of Andersen since i was young!!! There are a lot of other fairy tales at this site, enjoy!! =)It shall be my company through this long long night.. burning mid-night oil for tomorrow's test.. bah!! Chaoz
Once upon a time
Once upon a time..
When i was back in year 2
Those good memories huh.. =)
Ps: I am in the video!! the shortest one :p
My worst nightmare ever

Sleep paralysis, i have been traumatized by this condition since i was 12 years old.ya, 12 years of time.. now i am 24 years old, the this condition is getting severe at frequency of once-twice a week.. the vivid and frightening dream.. the humming sound and sometimes the voice of people talking to me.. seeing people walking around my bed.. IT IS THAT SCARY.. i have not been sleeping well and i feel super duper lethargic and scared after the dream/reality
The feeling is just bad.. i just had another episode this evening when i was taking my nap.. mr.chang was doing this work in my room, and he happened to witness the whole process.. from what he described.. it was scary.. my whole body was totally paralyzed and stiff, head trying to shake around.. twitching eyelids.. i was struggling, trying to open my eyes, and the deep screaming sound from my throat.. i was totally alert during the whole process.. the feeling that something is pressing against your chest, someone is pulling you down to a deep dark hole.. i tried to run away from all these.. but i could not.. to the extent that mr. chang has to slap me (very light slap haha) on my cheek then only i managed to wake up from the paralysis.. it's 2am now.. i dare not to sleep.. been having this too frequent.. every night before goes to sleep, i wonder if i will get it again tonight..
i am scared.. i am horrified by all these and there were a few times where i could not breathe at all... trying very hard to grasp for breath and wake up from the paralysis condition.. i think i need to talk to someone... i don't want to hold it back anymore.. hence i am sitting here writing down my feeling and thoughts..
enough is enough, sleep paralysis, i am gonna KICK YOUR ASS!!!
Princess Meiyi and Prince Thomas's Wedding
The bride~Meiyi
Tekan session
In the buffet hall after church ceremony~ I almost cried when both the husband and wife exchanging vow @.@
En-wen, i am sooo envy of your eyes and lashes!! =)
Another Tekan and Trap session by the brothers
All the bridesmaids and brothers~ Half drunk :s
The bestman, Daniel who happily helped Thomas to "Dong" all the beers and wine LOL
Haha the funky bride!! :p
Us lazying and chit-chatting at the bridal suite after the dinner
Being involved in Meiyi's wedding was a great learning experience for me i guess.. The advices shared and given by the pastor were somewhat true.. kinda applicable in cuople too.. it has made me realize that, to step into marriage, it does not involve only You and Me, but the two families, the understanding, commitments, compromises, acceptance and eternal love for each other. haha, funny thing is i thought i would be obsessed/ can't wait for my own wedding after attending meiyi's wedding; apparently, the joys and happiness that we have shared during her wedding did not light up the flame of getting married at all. haha perhaps, i am still too young, and we are still learning before taking one step forward into our relationship. =)
*coz we are so young now, we are so young so young now (8), the exciting journey awaits, and when the day has finally arrived, we will know.. we will know =) *
To Meiyi and Thomas: " And the princess and prince live happily ever after <3"
New soul~ Yael Naim
Found this from Boon's site. A simple song which cheers me up at this raining night =)
Yael Naim - New Soul lyrics | LyricsMode.com
"Deal it like an adult" that's what i've been telling myself
The trust that has been misplaced..

The trust that has been misplaced.. or should i said that it has been abused or misused? haha.. laughing out "bitter-ly"
The common understanding that i thought it was achieved and agreed between you and i was just merely a misunderstanding..
I am tired and i do not wish to carry this burden along as we proceed.. hence i chose to accept it.. and gave you some extent of flexibility in dealing in it.. alright, i would not said that you have failed me totally.. it's just.. the trust that has been misplaced and taken for granted, needs some time-off.. in order to come back completely and without any reservations as i used to place in you and us..
Still.. i don't like your way in dealing with this matter.. but.. i still love you as always
*又是一篇装病呻吟,幼稚兼无聊的post, 人心。。 何时才会满足呢?* =(
What do you want in your life?

What do you want in your life?
Earning hell lots of money so that you get to enjoy all the luxury, branded clothes and food?
Working in a place which is not able to give you a high pay (at this moment), yet you get to help a lot of patients?
This stinks.. it stinks absolutely.. haha
It has been my passion, to be able to help those in needs, indeed; however, my stupid and flaming desires of nice dresses, fine dining, staying in private property, own a car bla bla
It is a "Yes" or "No" situation i guess.. at least for the future 1-2 years, it is.
At this moment, i know and truly know that i would definitely chose the former one. Soar my dream pursue my passion, learn and at the same time help out those in needs. =) so i chose hospital posting at the first place.
So how about my dream of being a bimbotic and materialistic bitchy city lady? LOL, not at the moment!!
Wish me luck with my hospital posting.
Ho Ho Ho Holidays!!
Things that i want to do during mid sem break:
1) Catch up with studies, been skipping lots of 8am classes :p
2) Customize my resume to the institutions that i am going to apply
3) Get all the cover letters done
4) Thorough research on the profile of institutions
5) Helping out in Mrs. Wong (mei yi darling)'s wedding, ps: i am the bridesmaid of honor!! hehe
6) Bake a cake/ cottage pie
7) Cook a proper meal for Mr. Chang
8) Dinner with my pharmy girls
9) Attending the interviews haha provided that they call me up
10) Planning for the REAL BIG thing (it shall remain as a secret at the moment)
11) Sleep as much as i want (yea.. how i wish)
12) Get my marketing, dosage form design and natural product projects done
13) Brush up my counseling and dispensing skills
14) Planning for US grad trip
and the list goes on
PS: i got to eat sambal fried rice for two consecutive nights!! *wink*
Guys and their fried rice Vs Girls and their fried rice
same analogy
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
for guy
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
there's no different between sambal and original fried rice
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
as long as they have food to eat
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
just the same as
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
they don't care if it's chinese or ang moh
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
as long as they can have sex with the girl
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
for girl
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
it's totally different thing!!
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
just like when i want SAMBAL fried rice
| | Khimpy || ~ I am going to starve myself to death!! says:
the same as i will only want to have sex with the guy i love
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
to think that fried rice and sex are tied together as the same in your thoughts
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
it is rather...interesting!
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
we are talking about fried rice
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
why do you want to relate it to something else?
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
cant help laughing!!
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
i want you, in 14 days
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
read back this conversation
| | Khimpy || ~ says:
when i almost wanted to eat the original fried rice
| | Khimpy || ~ says:
u threw it away sob
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
its always like that ma
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
when i put there you tak mau
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
when i threw already you mau
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
until 3am, if i threw away
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
you will still stay, "when i almost wanted to eat............."
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
you threw it away.............
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
A conversation between Mr Chang and I, i am gonna record it down, and read it again after 14 days, see if my analogy is that hilarious according to Mr.Chang. hahahahaha
and Mr. Chang said
| | Khimpy || ~ says:
i want to sleep already
| | Khimpy || ~ says:
with empty stomach
| | Khimpy || ~ says:
and broken heart for my fried rice which has already dead
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
is fried rice alive in the first place?
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
i SWEAR if i'm selling fried rice next time
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
you will have to eat 1 sambal fried rice each day ;P
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
Çëphê¡Ð || Jen Fi || says:
since your fried rice is alive and you must care for it
*SOBS* once a big bully, always a big bully!!
i am hungrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy
*A HUNGRY lady is an ANGRY lady* this phrase describes best about my situation now, PLUS a hungry me is also a bitchy me!! *slap myself*
I am hungry and i just want SAMBAL fried rice which has been my motivation for studying so hard tonight
I want sambal fried rice and I WANT IT!!
stupid high acidity content stomach and stupid tantrum!!
fine, no sambal fried rice, then i will just take the normal fried rice, but but but.. when i almost wanted to compromise on normal fried rice.. the fried rice just *now you see, now you don't!!* Blink!! and disappeared!!
Tan Lay Khim, stop being so picky and bitchy!!
No supper for me and i am gonna starve myself to death
*signing off, crawling to my bed* =(
PS I Love You

The scene that made me burst into tears

Apart from the nice Ireland scenery, dresses and shoes that girls would obsess, this movie makes me ponder.. the power of love and strength that it gives to someone to carry on his/her live after loosing the love ones.
The movie is a bit different from the novel though..nonetheless, i love it and Gerard Butler is simply LOVERLY!!
From Nellie McKay:
Dear, I thought I'd drop a line.
The weather's cool. The folks are fine.
I'm in bed each night at nine.
P.S. I love you.
Yesterday we had some rain,
but all in all I can't complain.
Was it dusty on the train?
P.S. I love you.
Write to the Browns just as soon as you're able.
They came around to call.
I burned a hole in the dining room table.
And let me see, I guess that's all.
Nothin' else for me to say,
and so I'll close. Oh, by the way,
everybody's thinkin' of you.
P.S. I love you.
I do my best to obey all your wishes.
I put a sign up. Think
now I got to buy us a new set of dishes,
or wash the ones that have piled in the sink.
Nothing else to tell you, dear.
Except, each day feels like a year.
Every night I'm dreamin' of you.
P.S. I love you.
P.S. I love you.
sick of...
sick of being treated like that
sick of facing the disappointment again and again
My resolution of the week
Why i call myself a bimbo? all right.. here goes the story: Monday was my 1st lab session of the semester, we were doing some extraction exp which we need to separate eugenol and acetyleugenol compound from clove oil.A separating funnel was used for the extraction process, so i put in all my tested compound, agents bla bla and started to do extraction.. the flow of liquid compound that i was trying to extract was very smooth at first.. but but but...during the half-way, the flow was like completely.. stopped already!! i checked the separating funnel, everything seemed fine.. and my compound had yet to be separated out from the funnel yet.. all right, so my super handsome and charming lecturer was at the side of my bench, and i "soon bian" asked him why is the funnel not working properly? trying to act like i am a super intelligentand hardworking student while asking him the question. He looked at my separating funnel for less than 3 seconds, and said " because you never take out the stopper.. if there's no pressure, how is the liquid doing to flow?" while giving me the unbelievable and " Ohh no!! Bimbo!!" look.. *blushed* i seriously felt like digging a hole and just hide inside!!!!
bah!! i don't care i don't care!!! i need CNY shopping trip!!!!!!!!!!!
It is the time like this..
where people around you are downhearted
where things aren't going as we have planned out
where i myself are tied with so many responsibilities that i have to fulfill
that i know... that i gotta stay strong
for people around me to lean over
and for my love one to stay positive as well
Things are gonna be all right, things are gonna be fine
I promise =)

得到的是许多许多good exposure的机会
但,我是一个好人 哈哈哈 =)
这是一篇有点自我吹擂的entry 呵呵
只要用心的活着,快乐的呼吸着,珍惜所有好的坏的, 你我都是最棒的!!
Lost of Momentum
Thank You <3

I did not get any X'mas present from Mr. Chang, because the pastor said X'mas isn't about giving pressies to our loves one but Jesus who loves and sacrificed for us. (all right, which is true) Dang!! So i did not get any x'mas present hehez
But.. but but.. i got a new year present from him!! Daisy Marc Jacobs!!! which i have always wanted!!
Thank you, Mr. Chang!! *heart*
So Close
You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
I see sun
I see flowers
Why do i feel sad?
Because i do not see hope in you
I see myself
I see you
and i choose the former one
I see tears
I see shattered pieces
I see the disappointed me
and I hope
I see myself once again
It has been an overwhelming week, i see both lovely and ugly side of human beings; and i see both the appreciated and depreciated-self. Life still goes on and i am gonna pick up on myself again~ staying calm, strong and happy~