What'>http://www.brainfall.com/test24_1.php">WhatKind of Guy Will You Fall For? | |
You would fall part for the frat boy. You like to have a good time, and you want someone who's not afraid to go all out to have fun with you. Your man may belch at the dinner table, but you know you'll always have a crazy night ahead of you! | |
You would fall part for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. | |
Find Your Character @ Mr. Chang and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 28th of September =) A day before 28th, he brought me to build-a-bear workshop, and got me this custom-made bear!!! His name is Fi Fi :p with superman costume haha why superman costume? eerm.. because mr. chang is my butler, gardener, ATM, plumber, chef, tutor, babysitter etc etc etc.. in short, he is my superman!!! *blush* Went to Esplanade after a super luxurious steamnoat dinner. Strolling around the riverside.. with cool breeze.. and live band singing love songs.. =) 9/26/2007Things that irritate me
i am having PMS and i just want to rant!! Things that irrirate me
1) phone rings and i pick up the call, the person who calls take 10 seconds to say "hello", and i have to keep on "hello-ing" for n-times only the person will say "hello". HALO!!! when you are calling someone, and knowing that phone has being picked up, please say "hello" instead of waiting for 10 seconds!!!!!! 2) someone who knows what i want and understand that what do i neeed, to be precise, i have told him what do i need, at the end of the day, he still says " i don't understand" 3) people who take me for granted, and asking for help at the LAST MINUTE!!!! 4) an appointment at which the date has been changed for more than 3 times!!!! 5) My back pain which is getting more severe that when i am standing, i can feel the dull pain 6) CAs, Projects deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7) last but not least, i hate my emotion which can be easily affected by what you have said 8) and people and relatives who keep on asking me" so how much are you going to earn when you graduate?"... and telling me" XXX's son or daughter is working at singapore now and they are earning like 10k singapore dollar per month" 9) and people and relatives who like ti simply take antibiotics!!!!! and distributing antibiotics eyesdrops like no one's business!!! 10) and people and relatives who keeo on bombarding me when funny and non-scientifically proven questions!!! which is sometimes very hard to explain in hokkien or mandarin!!! GROAN!! i need retail therapy =( and i am seriously not feeling good *sobs* 9/24/2007Irritating =S
stop bugging me with sooo many non-scientifically proven question.. i tried to explain but it is none that you can understand..and when you did not understand.. please do not scold me with "放屁“ as this is very rude and should not be a word comes from the mouth of a person that i should respect
please, i just want to spend a quality time with my family... please grant my wish.. you are welcome to my house.. but please talk appropriately and politely. Thank you!! 9/21/2007幸福小女人![]() ![]() ![]() 期待已久的年中假终于到了 哈哈 最近日子过的还不赖。。考了两个continuous assessments 成绩也出炉啦, 还不错但可以再好一点!! 假期过后会有很多的projects assingments term papers due 哈哈 不管了!! 先好好放纵自己一下,再来冲刺吧!! 那天考试的前夕,曾振辉先生特地下厨,煮了一碗“一百分面“给我鼓励鼓励 嘿嘿!! 承你贵言啦。 谢谢你,再忙着课业及事业的当而,也没忽略了我。 *muah* 昨天我的宿舍举办了一场中秋晚会!! 记得上一次参加中秋晚会是好几年之前的事了。。 我负责示范制作冰皮月饼 哈哈反应事出乎意料的好!! 尤其是那些洋学生的眼里都出现了 “不可思议“的惊叹号 哈哈 价值不菲的咖啡制造机送来了,正学着如何冲泡好咖啡。。 也越来越爱上double shot 了!!! 啊。。。我又嗅到咖啡香了。。 好幸福... 曾先生冲了一杯卡布奇诺给我。。 浓浓的咖啡味弥漫在这小小的房间。。配上微甜的奶香。。还有漂在咖啡上的浓泡泡。。加上黏在微笑嘴角上的泡泡。。真的就够了。。 咖啡馆的一切也在如火如荼的准备着。。杯子都买好了。。 价格满贵的。。 但那些杯子真的好漂亮。。我想喝的人也会感到幸福及我们的诚意吧!! 接下来就要忙着店面的装潢及布置了。。 十月十五日正式隆重开张哦!! 这是曾先生期待已久的梦想。。当然,我也会尽全力助他一臂之力 =) 他在忙着video editing.. 我在闲着上网。。 看着在bazaar买的烹饪书。。 里面所教的mousse, cheese tarts, marmalade, sorbet, salmon kedgeree等等真的太神奇了!! 我亲爱的golden flowers gang,祝你们一路顺风,回家玩的得开心点,吃多点!!! =) 9/19/20079/17/2007production of Kc
Here are the short clips produced by my little brother, Kc. =) I am so prooouuud of my lil bro!!! Keep it up Kc, perhaps you shall practice more by making a video clip for me----> your forever evil but pretty sister!! :p
Enjoy!!! 9/16/2007Random ~ Happy Life![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It was a busy yet happy week for me =) The business society had this cosmetic fair at forum back in Thursday. HAHAHAHAHAAH i woke up at 8am, (considered as super early for me :p), reached school at 9am, had breakfast with my girl friends, and 10amSHARP, we "chiong" (rush) to the central library, don't get us wrong, we were not going there to study.. but the cosmetic fair!! friends went to withdraw money and the queue was crazy and it was ALL GIRLS!!! they were queueing up while discussing what products shoud buy and which product is much cheaper compared to retail price.. bla bla and so we reached forum at 1015am, the place was all crowded!!! as though all the girls at NUS were gathered at there.. despite the fact that i have my pharmacotherapy CA on the next day, i joined the crowd!!! apparently, the verndors that joined this comsmetic fair were Mac and Clinique!! Owh... I love clinique products!!! together with wan xia, we tried very hard to squeueeeeeeeeeeze into the crowd.. and TADA!!!! half an hour later.. that's what i bought.... ha ha ha Mr.Chang said i am fully sinned :p Pharmacotherapy CA was over.. not too tough.. Research methodogy CA coming up nxt thursday :p i have got a sixth sense that this is gonna be my killer module =.= My residence will be having mid autumn festival celebration on thursday night!! *excited* and then mid sem break is coming!!! half of my 4th year 1st semester has flown away.. more and more exciting things are going to happen!!! and PGPR RED DOT CAFE IS COMING YOUR WAY!!!! *happily sway away* 9/13/20079/11/20079/09/2007when was the last time?
when was the last time that i smiled happily at you?
when was the last time that you hug me into your arms and telling me how much you love me? when was the last time where we both have a proper chat other than your cafe and business? when was the last time you call me and ask if i have taken my lunch or dinner? when was the last time i woke up from nap, seeing you sitting at the bed side smiling at me instead of searching for info for your cafe? when was the last time.. that you remember.. the promise that you have given me? when was the last time, that you actually stop your work.. and think of me and my feeling? when was the last time that you will talk nicely and still smiling at me when you are frustated? when was the last time that you look into my eyes and say i love you? i have been trying very hard to be understanding.. in helping you to achieve your dream.. i have no one to talk to.... i have no friends.. or my friends are all busy.. i failed totally.. that i cannot hold back my depression and disappointment anymore.. i just want to hide in my room... and i wish.. i could sleep for forever.... 9/07/20079/04/2007Dead Tired![]() 8am- woke up 915am - Breakfast with Mr. Chang 10am - Microbes Lecture 12pm - Pharm Prac 4 lecture 2pm- Pharmacotherapy lecture 4pm - Assignment discussion 6pm- Reach Hostel 630Pm- Meeting and Dinner with My cluster Leaders 830pm - RA work 1130pm- Blogging 1145pm- Bathing 1215am- Studying 2am -sleeping 7am tomorrow- Wake up It's my life...My heart is like an open highway.. Like Frankie said I did it my way ..I just wanna live while I'm alive .. It's my life =.= Rolling back to my lecture notes...
9/03/2007幸福的理由![]() 雨夜里。。温习着enteral nutrition support。。 听着“飞的理由“ 这首歌 =) 穿着妈妈买的snoppy睡衣。。跟爱人及朋友们网上闲聊。。
如果这个时候窗外有风 我就有了飞的理由 心中累积的悲伤和快乐 你懂了所以我自由 你不懂所以我堕落 如果这个时候窗外有云 我就有了思念藉口 爱引动我飞行中的双翅 你回应我靠近天堂 你沉默我成了经过 翅膀的命运是迎风 我 的爱当你把爱转向的时候 我只身飞向孤寂的宇宙 眷恋的命运是寂寞 我的爱当你人间游倦的时候 我会在天涯与你相逢 好一个“你回应我靠近天堂 你沉默我成了经过“ 一向来。。除了课业之外。。我都觉得自己是幸福的。。 还有一个月。。还多还多让我兴奋及期待的事情即将发生哟 哈哈 届时再一一告知你们吧 as the tittle says: the reasons of happiness... as for me.. happiness does not need a reason.. it is about cherishing my life and what i have got =) *happily sway away*
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