It was a busy yet happy week for me =) The business society had this cosmetic fair at forum back in Thursday. HAHAHAHAHAAH i woke up at 8am, (considered as super early for me :p), reached school at 9am, had breakfast with my girl friends, and 10amSHARP, we "chiong" (rush) to the central library, don't get us wrong, we were not going there to study.. but the cosmetic fair!! friends went to withdraw money and the queue was crazy and it was ALL GIRLS!!! they were queueing up while discussing what products shoud buy and which product is much cheaper compared to retail price.. bla bla and so we reached forum at 1015am, the place was all crowded!!! as though all the girls at NUS were gathered at there.. despite the fact that i have my pharmacotherapy CA on the next day, i joined the crowd!!! apparently, the verndors that joined this comsmetic fair were Mac and Clinique!! Owh... I love clinique products!!! together with wan xia, we tried very hard to squeueeeeeeeeeeze into the crowd.. and TADA!!!! half an hour later.. that's what i bought.... ha ha ha Mr.Chang said i am fully sinned :p
Pharmacotherapy CA was over.. not too tough.. Research methodogy CA coming up nxt thursday :p i have got a sixth sense that this is gonna be my killer module =.=
My residence will be having mid autumn festival celebration on thursday night!! *excited*
and then mid sem break is coming!!! half of my 4th year 1st semester has flown away..
more and more exciting things are going to happen!!!
*happily sway away*
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