Life has been GREAT
Busy creating new menu for the cafe
and the lay out as well!! Stay tune *wink*

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me Happy when skies are grey
You never know dear
How much i <3 you
So please don't take my sunshine away~
" ahh.. I want to work.. so that i'll have money to go shopping!! hehe"
" A true princess doesn't ask for anything.. look at snow white and cinderella"
Yang Berhomat Sila duduk...
Such a shame... =.=|||
SEDARLAH wahai Bangsa dan Menteri-menteri Malaysiaku
True Love's Kiss
Giselle: When you meet the someone who was meant for you
Before two can become one there is something we must do
Animal: Do you pull each others tails?
Animal: Do you feed each other seeds?
Giselle: No, there is something sweeter everybody needs
I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince I'm hoping comes with this
That's what brings everaftering so happy
And that's the reason we need lips so much
Four lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss
Giselle: aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa
Animals: aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa
Animals: Shes been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince she's hoping comes with this
That's what brings everaftering so happy
And that's the reason we need lips so much
Four lips are the only things that touch
Giselle: So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss
Edward: You're the fairest maid I've ever met
You were made...
Giselle: ...to finish your duet
Giselle and Edward: And in years to come we'll reminisce
Edward: How we came to love
Giselle: And grow and grow love
Everyone: Since first we knew love through true love's kiss
*Owh.. How sweeeeet!!!*
Kung fu zi says
Date of 1st final paper: TOMORROW (24/11) 1pm
Subject: Research methodology
Status: Crossover design draws a cross on my brain, split-plot design splits my brain. Quote from chin, in short i am DRAIN BAMAGE
Progression: negative value from baseline
Steps to be taken: Double shot espresso PRN (when necessary), not more than twice daily
Conclusion:Bah!!!!! I want Grilled salmon from Modesto and Hoegarden after this darn research methodology paper.
Signing off~~~~~~~~~~~ >.<|||

When she stares at your mouth
[ smile...then kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you
[ hug her tight ]
When she starts cursing at you
[ say i love you ]
When she's quiet
[ hold her hand and ask what's wrong ]
When she ignores you
[ act cute so she'll notice you ]
When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst
[ tell her you love her and she still
looks amazing ]
When you see her start crying
[hold her...ask her what's wrong]
When you see her walking
[ approach her..give a kiss on the
cheek. ]
When she's scared
[assure her you're not goin to leave
her ]
When she lays her head on your
[ tilt your head too..and hold her
hand ]
When she steals your favorite hat
[ let her keep it]
When she teases you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesnt answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is
okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]
When she says that she likes you
[ she really does more than you could
understand ]
When she grabs at your hands
[ Hold hers and play with her
fingers ]
When she bumps into you
[ bump into her back and make her
laugh ]
When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]
When she misses you
[ she's hurting inside ]
When you break her heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]
When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]
When she repost this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if
shes not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and
let go
- When she says she's ok dont believe
it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday
te ll her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after
you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters
to you.
- Tease her and let her tease you back.
- Stay up all night with her when she's
- Watch her favorite movie with her or
her favorite show even if you think its
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes.
- When she's bored and sad, hang out
with her.
- Let her know she's important.
- Kiss her in the pouring rain.
- When she runs up at you crying, the
first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
*PS: my Bf does all these most of the time and under normal circumstances (cold-war and "lau kai" not counted) WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes.. yes... i am a bit "bo liao" research methodology stresses me out POUTS
My princess dream ;p
Which Disney Princess Are You? | |
You are part Jasmine. You are loyal and would visit the ends of the earth for what you believe. You would never let obstacles stand in the way of true love. | |
You are part Cinderella. You are hard-working and never complain, however, your trust is sometimes misplaced and people sometimes take advantage of you. Still, you are beautiful inside and out, and one day you will realize it and find true love. | |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
The art and beauty of a cuppa~

You are like the espresso, and i am the milk
We blend well together
and the children will be toppings !
Espresso is bitter and hot
Milk is creamy n cold
After steaming it "means abit of change"
Things will blend it smooth
Although it is nice already to drink like that, nothing is as good as some toppings to make the drinks tastier n richer
* I like this analogy.. my heart melts again when Mr. Chang said this to me*
Stardust - better version
Ok, Mr. Chang said this is tbe better version of stardust video. haha enjoy!!
Happy Halloween!!
Mr. Chang: Ya
Khimpy: Looking at you, it feels Like it's halloween everyday!! bwahahahaha (it's obvious that i'm trying to say that he looks like ah hem.. ghost, isn't it?)
Mr. Chang: Oh.. is it? Am i making you life so sweet?
Khimpy: What???!!
Mr. Chang: ya what... halloween is about asking for candies.. candies are sweet..see.. i am making your life so sweet!!
Khimpy: *speechless*
Yes, this is my boyfriend.. who never fails to make me laugh.. anytime.. anywhere =)

喝着店里的darjeeling tea,让darling我烦躁的心情也慢慢沉淀下来
明天,dispensing test.. and i am numb.. just gotta make sure i won't be a kancheong spider anymore
后后天,很多很多的挑战要面对。。和约和一些“政治”issues. I hate bureaucracy.会正面的去面对,因为有很多朋友及顾客的支持=)
i wish
1) to go back home
2) to be able to concentrate on my study
3) the bf would take a break from work and go dating with me
4) i could turn back the clock.. and back to my simple life
It has been too overwhelming.. and i do not feel good.. yet it is a point of no return.. there is a limit for everything... tears no more..please..
Listen to my prayer
Bless him with good health, happiness, and all the good things that he deserves
and i know.. i am crazily in love
life has been busy and crazy at the same time
God, bless us with strength to walk through all these =)
and when the clock strikes 5, one of the lecturer was pushing the cart away (where we will be submiting our counselling sheets and extemporaneous preparation), me and my coursemates were basically chasing after the cart to pass up our work!! and another lecturer was taking picture of us chasing after the cart!! hahaha
and when i was super depressed.. my cutest friend wan xia, stood beside me and said "i come here to pick you home" *sobs* again.. thank you wan xia, you would not know that how much it has meant for me... and it soothen my depressed mood =) and you have been a great project group mate!!
这次的考试,让我感觉到了无助。。渺小。。 和自己的incompetence..哪又有什么办法? 唯有吸取经验。。期望下次不会那么糟糕啦
i shall go back to my medication use evualation project >.<
*keep fingers crossed*
Dispensing test is Depressing
Justin Timberlake - Sexyback lyrics
Owh.. as the tittle says..
this song cheers me up.. theme song of PGPR Peagant organized by Mr. Chang :p

My fav herbal grilled chicken breast *slurp*
330am - Bed
730am - Out of bed and preparing for interview session at later
9am - interview with Drug Information pharmacist at NUH
10am - my only proper meal of today
1030am - rushing project
1200pm- "hammering" ceremony at Mr. Chang's cafe
2pm- Research methodoly lecture
4pm - Tutorial
6pm - Went to Office of Student Affair to sign some documents. i was wearing super high heels.. walking from central to YIH =.=
630pm - networking night with respresentatives from drug companies.. hungry.. tired.. yet, the "professional smile" was still on my face throughout the whole session. the session was.. not so good.. and not so bad at the same time haha.. it strengthen my determination of working at hospital after graduation. being involved in clinical trial phase is interesting.. but based on current singapore context.. not so soon though haha
8pm- waiting for bus to go back hostel
830pm- rushing project which due on tomorrow
1230pm - finalized the project.. and here am i typing this entry...
more to come.. this is going to be a hectic week for me.. as cafe opening soon.. and i have a dispensing test on wednesday.. and important interview on tomorrow =.=
keep it up khimpy!! *bites nails* *Pouts* and i am HUNGRY

I am just plane lazy and refuse to sit down properly to study
The fact that the menstrual pain irritates me a lot!! and i am craving for seafood!!!
ya, random.. and i think my brain is blocked.. the whitening mask (which doesn't work .. i think) has been on my face for 30 minutes.. and i forgot to wash it away.. =.= it's time to do so!!
Chaoz and good luck for ya CAs
What'>http://www.brainfall.com/test24_1.php">WhatKind of Guy Will You Fall For? | |
You would fall part for the frat boy. You like to have a good time, and you want someone who's not afraid to go all out to have fun with you. Your man may belch at the dinner table, but you know you'll always have a crazy night ahead of you! | |
You would fall part for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. | |
Find Your Character @ Mr. Chang and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 28th of September =) A day before 28th, he brought me to build-a-bear workshop, and got me this custom-made bear!!! His name is Fi Fi :p with superman costume haha why superman costume? eerm.. because mr. chang is my butler, gardener, ATM, plumber, chef, tutor, babysitter etc etc etc.. in short, he is my superman!!! *blush* Went to Esplanade after a super luxurious steamnoat dinner. Strolling around the riverside.. with cool breeze.. and live band singing love songs.. =) 9/26/2007Things that irritate me
i am having PMS and i just want to rant!! Things that irrirate me
1) phone rings and i pick up the call, the person who calls take 10 seconds to say "hello", and i have to keep on "hello-ing" for n-times only the person will say "hello". HALO!!! when you are calling someone, and knowing that phone has being picked up, please say "hello" instead of waiting for 10 seconds!!!!!! 2) someone who knows what i want and understand that what do i neeed, to be precise, i have told him what do i need, at the end of the day, he still says " i don't understand" 3) people who take me for granted, and asking for help at the LAST MINUTE!!!! 4) an appointment at which the date has been changed for more than 3 times!!!! 5) My back pain which is getting more severe that when i am standing, i can feel the dull pain 6) CAs, Projects deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7) last but not least, i hate my emotion which can be easily affected by what you have said 8) and people and relatives who keep on asking me" so how much are you going to earn when you graduate?"... and telling me" XXX's son or daughter is working at singapore now and they are earning like 10k singapore dollar per month" 9) and people and relatives who like ti simply take antibiotics!!!!! and distributing antibiotics eyesdrops like no one's business!!! 10) and people and relatives who keeo on bombarding me when funny and non-scientifically proven questions!!! which is sometimes very hard to explain in hokkien or mandarin!!! GROAN!! i need retail therapy =( and i am seriously not feeling good *sobs* 9/24/2007Irritating =S
stop bugging me with sooo many non-scientifically proven question.. i tried to explain but it is none that you can understand..and when you did not understand.. please do not scold me with "放屁“ as this is very rude and should not be a word comes from the mouth of a person that i should respect
please, i just want to spend a quality time with my family... please grant my wish.. you are welcome to my house.. but please talk appropriately and politely. Thank you!! 9/21/2007幸福小女人![]() ![]() ![]() 期待已久的年中假终于到了 哈哈 最近日子过的还不赖。。考了两个continuous assessments 成绩也出炉啦, 还不错但可以再好一点!! 假期过后会有很多的projects assingments term papers due 哈哈 不管了!! 先好好放纵自己一下,再来冲刺吧!! 那天考试的前夕,曾振辉先生特地下厨,煮了一碗“一百分面“给我鼓励鼓励 嘿嘿!! 承你贵言啦。 谢谢你,再忙着课业及事业的当而,也没忽略了我。 *muah* 昨天我的宿舍举办了一场中秋晚会!! 记得上一次参加中秋晚会是好几年之前的事了。。 我负责示范制作冰皮月饼 哈哈反应事出乎意料的好!! 尤其是那些洋学生的眼里都出现了 “不可思议“的惊叹号 哈哈 价值不菲的咖啡制造机送来了,正学着如何冲泡好咖啡。。 也越来越爱上double shot 了!!! 啊。。。我又嗅到咖啡香了。。 好幸福... 曾先生冲了一杯卡布奇诺给我。。 浓浓的咖啡味弥漫在这小小的房间。。配上微甜的奶香。。还有漂在咖啡上的浓泡泡。。加上黏在微笑嘴角上的泡泡。。真的就够了。。 咖啡馆的一切也在如火如荼的准备着。。杯子都买好了。。 价格满贵的。。 但那些杯子真的好漂亮。。我想喝的人也会感到幸福及我们的诚意吧!! 接下来就要忙着店面的装潢及布置了。。 十月十五日正式隆重开张哦!! 这是曾先生期待已久的梦想。。当然,我也会尽全力助他一臂之力 =) 他在忙着video editing.. 我在闲着上网。。 看着在bazaar买的烹饪书。。 里面所教的mousse, cheese tarts, marmalade, sorbet, salmon kedgeree等等真的太神奇了!! 我亲爱的golden flowers gang,祝你们一路顺风,回家玩的得开心点,吃多点!!! =) 9/19/2007小泡泡9/17/2007production of Kc
Here are the short clips produced by my little brother, Kc. =) I am so prooouuud of my lil bro!!! Keep it up Kc, perhaps you shall practice more by making a video clip for me----> your forever evil but pretty sister!! :p
Enjoy!!! 9/16/2007Random ~ Happy Life![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It was a busy yet happy week for me =) The business society had this cosmetic fair at forum back in Thursday. HAHAHAHAHAAH i woke up at 8am, (considered as super early for me :p), reached school at 9am, had breakfast with my girl friends, and 10amSHARP, we "chiong" (rush) to the central library, don't get us wrong, we were not going there to study.. but the cosmetic fair!! friends went to withdraw money and the queue was crazy and it was ALL GIRLS!!! they were queueing up while discussing what products shoud buy and which product is much cheaper compared to retail price.. bla bla and so we reached forum at 1015am, the place was all crowded!!! as though all the girls at NUS were gathered at there.. despite the fact that i have my pharmacotherapy CA on the next day, i joined the crowd!!! apparently, the verndors that joined this comsmetic fair were Mac and Clinique!! Owh... I love clinique products!!! together with wan xia, we tried very hard to squeueeeeeeeeeeze into the crowd.. and TADA!!!! half an hour later.. that's what i bought.... ha ha ha Mr.Chang said i am fully sinned :p Pharmacotherapy CA was over.. not too tough.. Research methodogy CA coming up nxt thursday :p i have got a sixth sense that this is gonna be my killer module =.= My residence will be having mid autumn festival celebration on thursday night!! *excited* and then mid sem break is coming!!! half of my 4th year 1st semester has flown away.. more and more exciting things are going to happen!!! and PGPR RED DOT CAFE IS COMING YOUR WAY!!!! *happily sway away* 9/13/2007In loved.. =)9/12/20079/11/20079/09/2007when was the last time?
when was the last time that i smiled happily at you?
when was the last time that you hug me into your arms and telling me how much you love me? when was the last time where we both have a proper chat other than your cafe and business? when was the last time you call me and ask if i have taken my lunch or dinner? when was the last time i woke up from nap, seeing you sitting at the bed side smiling at me instead of searching for info for your cafe? when was the last time.. that you remember.. the promise that you have given me? when was the last time, that you actually stop your work.. and think of me and my feeling? when was the last time that you will talk nicely and still smiling at me when you are frustated? when was the last time that you look into my eyes and say i love you? i have been trying very hard to be understanding.. in helping you to achieve your dream.. i have no one to talk to.... i have no friends.. or my friends are all busy.. i failed totally.. that i cannot hold back my depression and disappointment anymore.. i just want to hide in my room... and i wish.. i could sleep for forever.... 9/07/20079/04/2007Dead Tired![]() 8am- woke up 915am - Breakfast with Mr. Chang 10am - Microbes Lecture 12pm - Pharm Prac 4 lecture 2pm- Pharmacotherapy lecture 4pm - Assignment discussion 6pm- Reach Hostel 630Pm- Meeting and Dinner with My cluster Leaders 830pm - RA work 1130pm- Blogging 1145pm- Bathing 1215am- Studying 2am -sleeping 7am tomorrow- Wake up It's my life...My heart is like an open highway.. Like Frankie said I did it my way ..I just wanna live while I'm alive .. It's my life =.= Rolling back to my lecture notes...
9/03/2007幸福的理由![]() 雨夜里。。温习着enteral nutrition support。。 听着“飞的理由“ 这首歌 =) 穿着妈妈买的snoppy睡衣。。跟爱人及朋友们网上闲聊。。
如果这个时候窗外有风 我就有了飞的理由 心中累积的悲伤和快乐 你懂了所以我自由 你不懂所以我堕落 如果这个时候窗外有云 我就有了思念藉口 爱引动我飞行中的双翅 你回应我靠近天堂 你沉默我成了经过 翅膀的命运是迎风 我 的爱当你把爱转向的时候 我只身飞向孤寂的宇宙 眷恋的命运是寂寞 我的爱当你人间游倦的时候 我会在天涯与你相逢 好一个“你回应我靠近天堂 你沉默我成了经过“ 一向来。。除了课业之外。。我都觉得自己是幸福的。。 还有一个月。。还多还多让我兴奋及期待的事情即将发生哟 哈哈 届时再一一告知你们吧 as the tittle says: the reasons of happiness... as for me.. happiness does not need a reason.. it is about cherishing my life and what i have got =) *happily sway away* 8/31/2007Plastic Containers![]() Went grocery shopping with Mr.Chang, and threw a pack of his favourite mango pudding powder into the shopping basket... and then...i saw another pack of pre-made mango pudding.. (as in those that u can eat it directly) packed in a super nice container.. Me: Hey, let's buy this instead!! (super excited tone) Mr. Chang: uh..huh... it's ready to eat one.. Me: yaya!! soooo convenient!! Mr.Chang: i know your trick la!! you want the container .. aren't you? Me: *speechless* *pouts*... He he .. no la... (saying this while putting the super nicely packed pudding onto the shelf reluctantly) Mr.Chang: (Pretended that he did not see my reluctance) Come on, let's go to other side .................................................................................................................................................................... Yes.. i know it's random.. as the tittle says.. haha but but.. i have this habit of collecting container from different food packaging.. from those plastic container that we will get when packing our rice from mixed rice uncle..container of herbal jelly (龟苓膏)... container of mascorpone cheese and container of julie biscuits that looks like a mini picnic box... hahaha ya..i'm acting like a housewife (hey, be proud of being a housewife okay? this is the most holistic occupation!!!) it's just my habit.. you will ask what is the purpose of collecting so many containers? *scratch head* eerm.. recycle them? ya.. i will.. but not very often.. and Mr. Chang will "order" me to throw away all the containers whenever i have collected a certain amount of containers.. and you will ask so what;s the purpose of collecting it? eerm.. i don't know.. probably it is a habit that i inherited from mummy? mummy likes to collect those containers.. and the cabinet in our kitchen has one big stack of containers!! and everytime i go back home.. i will go t the cabinet to explore.. what type of new containers that she has collected.. and we will discuss about the shape and design of containers during our evening nescafe session!! owh.. so now.. you know that it's not only a habit.. but a memory.. between mummy and i.. so, don;t force me to throw away the containers anymore.. and and and.. the mango pudding container is really really very very nice!!!! *hint hint and wink*
8/29/2007懒8/28/2007A Drop of Rain ~ Poem from Mr. Chang![]() Sweet sunny day out in the open sky Lives a little girl down in a cottage Out she hope to see the fields Pack with a bag of hopes and a bottles of dreams she step out on that bright sunny day Further she goes, the more beauty she sees New hills and valleys, streams of crystal rivers The sun walked beside, never leaving her out of sight But on mid day, came a small cloud that shed some light away It became darker but the light is still strong So now the cloud and the sun became her friends But they both fought to be next to her Time went on and the cloud grew darker It block her sight and darkens the trees Then as the highest hill was climb Stood at the top of the world But she felt something different A drop of rain, Has fallen on her hand Looking beside the bright light of sun was gone But bright lightning lit up the sky A drop of rain, became many drops It grew bigger, and it drop faster But the little good stood at the hill and waited For she saw at her cottage window And she knew what will be coming next So the rain finally threw all it had And it began to soften and moved away Out came what she was waiting for The sweet sunny day is here again They both moved back further to the fields But now the sun is here to stay And they ran together Towards the rainbow ahead *My Heart Melts* Happy 35 month's and still counting.. counting the days.. cherishing our sweet moments and of course.. counting our blessings =) I LOVE YOU
The era that i am supposed to belong to
I think i belong to 1960's.. where...
![]() I live in a little cottage.. the car parked in front of the cottage is my Mr.Chang’s car ![]() With lots of flowers at the garden I am a nurse working at the hospital in uptown ![]() I knew Mr.Chang when I was eating ice cream at the famous creamery shop It was love at the first sight.. *blush* Ever since that.. I have become a housewife.. where everyday I go to market.. buying fresh fruits and food.. and a bouquet of fresh flowers I will be having high tea with my friends and neighbors.. Sipping tea and enjoying the cake that i baked Sometimes.. it will be fruits tarts!!
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my Life and I~
-ME- |